Bugfix-Fridays and Weekly Progress Updates

Heyo, its yah boi Bry-Guy here,

Henceforth, from this point onward, until the end of time, 'til the heat death of the universe itself, every Friday, at least as it relates to Glorious Dawn, shall be BUGFIX-FRIDAY!

So yeah, basically every Friday we will release a patch for the current milestone version with bugfixes for issues that we became aware of post-launch. These posts will include a list of fixed bugs as well as ones that we are aware of but haven't yet squashed. If you are aware of a bug, feel free to post a comment in the stickied thread for bug reporting on the game's subreddit.

Another weekly recurring post will be the "Weekly Progress Update" that I intend to have released on every Sunday post launch of a milestone version. This will record a breakdown of all progress made towards the next milestone version, which at this point in time would be Version 0.1 Kepler. This post will include a list of bugfixes (cross-posted from Bugfix-Fridays), discuss relevant game design choices, and most importantly display the progress that has been made towards releasing the next milestone. These progress updates will include images and videos so as to not bore or confuse our reader with walls of text blathering esoteric drivel.   

Well that's basically all.

Yah boi out,

Bryon Karger, CEO of Big Owl Interactive

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